28 November 2013
Dr. Jérôme Rocheteau (ICAM, Nantes, France) is giving a talk on 'How much energy can save Java best coding practices?'
Where and when? UCD CSI B1.08, 28th November 2013, 4PM.
Abstract: Rising down energy consumption of ICT devices represents a great challenge for controlling their carbon emissions (2% of total CO2 emissions in 2007). We cannot afford to wait for breakthroughs in semiconductor technology for saving power: we should build energy-aware or energy-efficient softwares which make hardware components require less electrical power and therefore consume less. This talk will explain how much energy can be saved merely in applying best coding practices in order to help developpers to design and implement green softwares. It focuses on Java only. It formalizes best coding practices and associates them quantitative metrics that correspond to the time, the memory and the energy saved while applying these best coding practices. This talk also explains how to measure codes involved in best coding practices as to provide repeatable and stable measures by the help of both physical and logical sensors. Such results would help to design and implement a static analysis that assigns energy efficiency classes to software source codes.
Jérôme Rocheteau, PhD is an associate professor since 2012 in the Institut Catholique d'Arts et Métiers (ICAM) in Nantes, France. He received a PhD in Computer Science in 2007 from University of Technology of Compiègne, France. From 2007 till 2012 he was research fellow in CUniversity of Technology of Compiègne and then University of Nantes. Prior to this, he got two Masters, in Philosophy (2000, Nantes) and Mathematical Logic (2002, Paris VII). Jérôme was technical lead for different european (FP7) and national projects, and he worked in the areas of formal verification for fault detection, and natural language processing.