<bibtex> @article { type={article }, cite={375}, title={A New Adaptive Multimedia Streaming System for ALL-IP Multi Service Networks}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting}, volume={50}, year={2004}, pages={1-10}, publisher={IEEE}, abstract={A significant challenge in all-IP multi-service networks}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={288}, title={An Analysis of Delay of Small IP Packets in Celluar Data Networks}, booktitle={IEE 5th International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, organization={Performance Engineering Lab}, abstract={The delay characteristics of small IP packets in cellular data}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={290}, title={A Statistical Analysis of IP Packet Delay and Jitter in Cellular Networks}, booktitle={IEEE 15th International Symposium on Personal,Indoor & Mobile Radio Communications}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, organization={Performance Engineering Lab}, abstract={A novel methodology is proposed for the}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={291}, title={Adaptive Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for Ethernet PONs}, booktitle={30th European Conference on Optical Communications,ECOS 2004}, number={740-741}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, organization={Performance Engineering Lab}, abstract={We present an Adaptive Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation algorithm for Passive Optical Networks. We}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={292}, title={A Novel Service Level Agreement Based Algorithm for Diffrentiated Services enabled Ethernet PONs}, booktitle={9th Opto Electronics & Communications Conference & 3rd International Conference on Optical Internet}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, organization={Performance Engineering Lab}, abstract={We present a Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={294}, title={A Framework for automatically Detecting & Assesing Performance Antipatterns in Component Based Systems using Run -Time Analysis}, booktitle={9th International Workshop on Component Oriented Programming(WCOP) & 18th European Conference on Object Oriented Programming(ECOOP)}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, organization={Performance Engineering Lab}, abstract={We propose a framework for automatically detecting and}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={295}, title={Automatic Performance Management in Component Based Software Systems}, booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, organization={Performance Engineering Lab}, abstract={A framework for automatic performance tuning of}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={298}, title={A Framework for Automatic Performance Monitoring,Analysis & Optimisation of Component based Software Systems }, booktitle={2nd ICSE Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems(RAMSS 04),26th International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE 2004)}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, organization={Performance Engineering Lab}, abstract={A framework for automating the runtime performance management of component-based software systems is presented. The framework leverages static performance information obtained at component development time, if available, and executes performance monitoring, analysis and optimisation operations during runtime. The dynamic performance optimisation process is based on the automatic selection and activation of one of multiple functionally-equivalent implementation variants, available at runtime, each one optimised for a different running context. The framework consists of three main modules: monitoring & diagnosis, evaluation & decision and component activation. Current implementation work targets Enterprise JavaBeans systems.}, keywords={Component Oriented`}, author={Diaconescu,A. and Murphy,J.}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @proceedings { type={proceedings }, cite={369}, title={Application Layer Delay-Centric Handover of Streamed Video in a 4G Network}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, address={Limerick,Ireland}, abstract={In the currently proposed schemes for performing a vertical handover}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @proceedings { type={proceedings }, cite={374}, title={An Evaluation of Delay-Aware Receiver Playout Strategies for VoIP Applications}, year={2004}, address={Athens,Greece}, abstract={Previous work by the authors confirm the feasiblity of implementing a delay-aware receiver buffering strategy based on synchronised time within VoIP applications.Our objective in this paper is to extensively test this delay-aware approach, termed the hybrid playout strategy over diverse networks using a combination of simulation & delay emulation.We utilise both measured delay data & derived delay models and quantify the significant performance gainsthrough use of the ITU-TE model.We also analyse recent Internet delay studied to further assess the hybrid's wider applicably.}, keywords={Periodicd Network Measurements,Simulation,Network Emulation,Synchronised Time}, author={H.Melvin and L.Murphy}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @proceedings { type={proceedings }, cite={376}, title={A New VoIP Adaptive Playout Algorithm }, year={2004}, address={London,UK}, abstract={A novel playout algorithm for VoIP applications is presented.}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @article { type={article }, cite={285}, title={BER Performance in Wavelength Packet Switched WDM systems during Nano-Second Wavelength switching Events}, journal={Journal of Optical Communication}, volume={242}, year={2004}, pages={171-177(7Pages)}, publisher={Research Institute for Network and Communications Engineering}, abstract={An important characteristic of wavelength tuneable laser transmitters is that as}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={286}, title={Bandwidth Allocation For Service Level Agreement Aware Ethernet Passive Optical Networks}, booktitle={IEEE Globecom 2004}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, organization={Performance Engineering Lab}, abstract={Passive Optical Networks (PON) are thought to}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={293}, title={Bandwidth Scheduling Techniques For Diffrentiated Services Support in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks}, booktitle={4th International Symposium on Communication Systems,Networks & Digital Signal Processing}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, organization={Performance Engineering Lab}, abstract={Passive Optical Networks are thought to be}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={287}, title={Client Controlled Network Selection}, booktitle={IEE 5th International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies(3G 2004)}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, organization={Performance Engineering Lab}, abstract={It is likely that an ensemble of overlapping heterogeneous}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={299}, title={COMPAS:Adaptive Performance Monitoring of Component Based Systems}, booktitle={2nd ICSE Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems(RAMSS 04),26th International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE 2004)}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, organization={Performance Engineering Lab}, abstract={A performance monitoring framework for adaptive instrumentation and diagnosis is presented. Instrumentation is performed by low-overhead monitoring probes which are automatically activated and deactivated based on runtime conditions. Both a collaborative distributed model and a centralised model for assisting the diagnosis and adaptation processes are presented. The framework targets component-based systems in general and J2EE in particular.}, keywords={Component Oriented`}, author={Mos,A. and Murphy,J.}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={423}, title={Content-Based Adaptation of Streamed Multimedia}, booktitle={7th IFIP/IEEE international Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks & Services}, year={2004}, abstract={Most adaptive delivery mechanisms for streaming multimedia content}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={450}, title={Delay-Centric Handover in SCTP over WLAN}, booktitle={Trans. on Automatic Control & Control Science}, year={2004}, abstract={In the field of personal mobile}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={464}, title={Evaluating the Impact of Network Performance on Video Streaming Quality for Categorised Video Content}, booktitle={14th International Packet Video Workshop}, year={2004}, abstract={This paper describes an empirical study that}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @proceedings { type={proceedings }, cite={368}, title={Experimental Performance Analysis of RTP-based Transmission Techniques for MPEG-4}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, address={Irvine,California}, abstract={The performance of different approaches to}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @proceedings { type={proceedings }, cite={432}, title={End-User Quality of Experience Layer for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems}, year={2004}, abstract={In the context of new devices and the variety of network technologies that}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={422}, title={Issues in Developing a Simulation Model of an EJB Application Server}, booktitle={Computer Measurement Group 2004 International Conference}, year={2004}, abstract={Despite the fact that EJB (Enterprise Java Beans) is such a widely used}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={289}, title={Novel Admission Control Algorithm for GPRS/EGPRS Based on Fuzzy Logic}, booktitle={IEE 5th International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, organization={Performance Engineering Lab}, abstract={As users in a GPRS/EGPRS network have different Quality}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @article { type={article }, cite={372}, title={Performance Comparison of Local Area Video Streaming Systems}, journal={IEEE Communications Letters}, volume={8}, year={2004}, pages={326-328}, publisher={IEEE}, abstract={The performance of our Quality Oriented}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={424}, title={Performance Assesment of the Quality-Oriented Adaptation Scheme}, booktitle={7th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks & Services}, year={2004}, abstract={This paper focuses on the experimental performance assessment of}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @proceedings { type={proceedings }, cite={371}, title={Perceptual Quality Adaptation(PQA) Algorithm for 3GP & Multi-Tracked MPEG-4Content over Wireless IP Networks}, year={2004}, abstract={Many adaptive delivery mechanisms have been}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @proceedings { type={proceedings }, cite={373}, title={Quality-Oriented Adaptation Scheme (QOAS) for High Bit-Rate Multimedia Streaming}, year={2004}, abstract={A Quality Oriented Adaptation Scheme}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @proceedings { type={proceedings }, cite={433}, title={QoSAHA:A Performance Oriented Learning System}, year={2004}, abstract={This paper presents a framework for QoS enhancement of Adaptive Hypermedia Systems which is applicable to the area of education. The enhanced system adapts Web content based on both user-perceived QoS and user knowledge. The goal of the enhancement is to be able to improve performance metrics while not significantly affecting learning outcomes. A novel Perceived Performance Model that captures user-perceived performance and suggests content constraints to improve user satisfaction is described. The approach is tested by comparing the AHA! System to a QoS enhanced version of the same system. Preliminary results show that the enhancement significantly improves download times for users with low speed connections, while maintaining similar learning outcomes}, keywords={QoS}, author={Muntean,C.H. and McManis,J.}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={296}, title={Simulation of Multimedia Traffic over SCTP Modified for Delay-Centric Handover}, booktitle={5th World Wireless Congress(B3G)}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, organization={Performance Engineering Lab}, abstract={The mobile wireless environment can be challenging for multimedia applications, with poor}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @proceedings { type={proceedings }, cite={370}, title={Soft,Vertical Hadover of Streamed Video}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, address={London,England}, abstract={The delay and jitter of an RTP stream transported by TCP}, </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings { type={inproceedings }, cite={297}, title={Using Runtime Information for Adapting Enterprise Java Beans Application Servers}, booktitle={2nd Internatioanl Workshop on Dynamic Analysis(WODA)}, number={52-59}, year={2004}, publisher={Performance Engineering Lab}, organization={Performance Engineering Lab}, abstract={Modern component-based technologies, such as}, </bibtex>