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<bibtex> @inproceedings{ventresque2012a, address = {Dublin}, author = {Ventresque, Anthony and Bragard, Quentin and S. Liu, Elvis and Nowak,Dawid and Murphy, Murphy and Theodoropoulos, Georgios and Liu, Qi}, booktitle = {Distributed Simulations and Real-Time Applications (Ds-RT)}, title = {SParTSim: A Space Partitioning Guided by Road Network for Distributed Traffic Simulations}, year = {2012}, pdf={SParTSim.pdf} } </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings{Robitzsch2012a, address = {San Francisco}, author = {Robitzsch, Sebastian and Murphy, Liam}, booktitle = {World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WOWMOM Wkshps)}, title = {Analysis and Validation of the Maximal Reasonable Link Group Size in Static 802.11a Wireless Mesh Networks: A Study Towards Channel Assignment}, year = {2012}, pdf = {2012 - Robitzsch, Murphy - Analysis and Validation of the Maximal Reasonable Link Group Size in Static 802.11a Wireless Mesh Networks A Study Towards Channel Assignment.pdf} } </bibtex> <bibtex> @inproceedings{Robitzsch2012b, address = {San Francisco}, author = {Robitzsch, Sebastian and Murphy, Liam}, booktitle = {World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WOWMOM Wkshps)}, title = {Empirical Analysis of Measured 802.11 Receive Signal Strength Values Using Various Atheros Based Mini-PCI Cards}, year = {2012}, pdf= {2012 - Robitzsch, Murphy - Empirical Analysis of Measured 802.11 Receive Signal Strength Values Using Various Atheros Based Mini-PCI Cards.pdf} } </bibtex>